white rock salt

Wholesale type of Iran white rock salt, With varying degrees of purity from 93% to a unique purity of 99.5% for various uses such as edible, industrial, animal feed, decorative, salt bricks, delivery in the destination country.

Introducing natural white rock salt

Forty years ago, forty years ago, many researchers at laboratories in charge of laboratories undertook various reviews and researches on the subject of white salt.

Salt is one of the essential nutrients for the body and helps the body and brain function properly, but excessive salt intake can pose countless risks to the body.

Natural white rock salt has been used in Australia, China, Arab countries and Europe for decorative and therapeutic purposes, and the New South Wales School in Sydney, Australia, has confirmed the healing properties of white rock salt.

white rock salt

Types of white rock salt

The price and value of white rock salt varies depending on the purity of the rock, because the lower the salt content of the white rock, the darker the spots on the rock will be. have.

The Halito rock salt company offers two types of pure white rock salt with a purity of 98.5 and 99.5 percent, which is quite rare and unique.

Other types of white salt rock, which have dark streaks, are also very expensive and have the largest volume of use in the industry because they are very reasonably priced.

white rock salt

Buy and sell white rock salt

Buying and selling white rock salt among different types of rock salt always has the highest amount in the market, so it is better to be more familiar with the types of white rock salt and its applications.

When buying salt stones, make sure that each of the salt stones is carefully made to protect the true beauty of the salt rock.

The various salts in rock salt make these rocks look very unique, leaving iron, red streaks, and manganese, orange streaks, and yellow colors, not actually any rocks. You can’t find salt that has exactly the same shape and color.


The color of rock salt indicates a lot about salt rock, for example, white rock salt indicates the high purity of sodium and the useful salts in it, although white rock rocks have a variety of types.

White rock salt is widely used and is the most widely used rock salt in the world, perhaps the most widely used in industry.

For example, if the rock salt is white but of low purity and so-called poor quality, after being crushed and turned into road salt, it is used as an antifreeze for salt spraying.

Other applications of white rock salt, especially in Iran, for animal use and perhaps its most important use is the production of decorative salt rock.

It should be noted that the sale of white and light rock salt for decorative and livestock or industrial purposes is very different, so you should consider the type of use before buying the product.

white rock salt

Uses of white rock salt

White saltstones have many uses, some of which are quoted for more information

  • For oral consumption
  • For animal feed
  • Hardening and resuscitation of resin and water treatment
  • Create decorative rock salt
  • Making cooking rock salt
  • To cook food

Also, Halito rock salt company is a producer of cooking salt rock, which has become very popular in Iran in the last one year. has it.

White rock salt have many very useful uses, which are described below, and white rock salt are offered for all these uses by the Halito company at a very unique price.

white rock salt

Animal rock salt

The choice of livestock rock salt is very important because the rock salt that is to be eaten by livestock must be free of iron and magnesium.

Magnesium-free, iron-free white rock salt are a great choice for livestock feed.

white rock salt

Decor rock salt

To make decor rock salt, you must use white rock salt without streaks.

Dark and streaked rock salt will make the final work look very bad and you will not experience good sales.

white rock salt

Manufacture and production of cooking salt block

Cooking salt, which is used for cooking, is very important for restaurants because it is an emerging phenomenon that has a lot of potential to attract customers.

Halito rock salt company Products Cooking Salt in very large dimensions. Contact us to purchase single or bulk Cooking Salt.

white rock salt

Familiarity with rare types of rock salt

You may be wondering what kind of salt stones there are in Iran and the world. Here are a few things to keep in mind when answering this question.

  • The color of rock salt
  • The price of rock salt
Detection of rock salt based on the appearance of the rock 


color of rock salt Available items
white The higher the whiteness, the higher the sodium and the purer it is
Red It is high in iron and also contains calcium and magnesium
Orange Iron has magnesium calcium but less than red rock salt
Blue Potassium is abundant and very rare
Crystal The more glass, the higher the price and the purest type of salt
Black Low sodium and some lime

The rock salts mentioned in the table above are rare and some are rare, including the rare rock salt rock salt, which is very watery and very full of customers, but unfortunately its inventory is very, very small.

The Halito rock salt company specializes in rare and rare types of rock salt, including blue salt rock, crystal rock salt, red rock salt, and orange rock salt.

white rock salt

Buy Edible rock salt

It can be acceptable to buy edible saltstones, perfumeries, or stores that supply natural and organic foods, but in any case, it will take a long time to buy white saltstones.

The advancement of technology and the busy schedule of people have led to the fact that most of the time, when shopping online, they turn to various products, and rock salt is no exception.

Of course, you should note that we do not send rock salt in retail, but if you live in Tehran, we can accept up to 1 ton of orders and send it to you.

white rock salt

Where to put rock salt in the house

You should not expect a miracle if you put a salt rock in a part of the house where you walk and walk a lot, because this salt rock must be placed in a place where family members can spend more time to use it. They spend it there, or more electronic devices.

Our advice is not to settle for one rock salt, but you can start with a lighted salt rock first and then increase the number. These rocks are like plants, the more the better, the more suitable place to place the rock. Salt at home is one of the most used neighborhoods, such as a bedroom or living room.

Of course, the bedroom, especially the child’s bedroom, is another very suitable place where it is recommended to use a salt rock bedside lamp.

white rock salt

Decor rock Salt export center

The name of decorative rock salt may lead your mind to a luxury item suitable for aristocratic life, but it should be noted that decorative salt products are not just decorative, and today they are mostly considered a therapeutic aspect.

Halito Decorative rock salt Stone Sales Center is the largest manufacturer of decorative salt rock in Iran, which produces all kinds of salt rock bedside lamps, salt rock lampshades and non-lamp salt rockets at very reasonable prices.

The myriad properties of rock salt have led to the use of rock salt everywhere in the world for treatment, so for this purpose, they use decorative salt.

white rock salt

Today, rock salt therapy is widely used to make salt rooms, salt caves, salt bricks, and decorative salt rocks. The Halito rock salt company is a leader in the Middle East and exports its products to countries in the region.

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