Industrial Salt

Industrial salt is Industrial Salt that is less pure than edible salt. The main differences between this type of salt and edible salt are the lower purity, non-purification and non-iodine content of the industrial type. The purity of oral salt is 99%. Due to the purification and refining of edible salt, this type of salt does not cause kidney stones and other similar problems.

Industrial Salt Popularity in the Market

Industrial salt has various applications and uses in industry, some of its uses are:

  • Salt for animal husbandry and animal husbandry
  • Industrial rock salt for water hardening
  • For use in treatment plants
  • Industrial rock salt for resin recovery
  • Use rock salt for boilers and boilers
  • Types of industrial salt

It is industrial salt price and used in different types and grades. Some of the most important types of industrial and mineral salt are: sugar salt, fishery salt, chickpea salt, shell salt, powdered salt, road salt and drilling salt.

Industrial Salt

Industrial Salt Price List in Wholesale Market

120 and 130 oyster salt: This type of salt is the smallest size of granulated salt, before powdered salt or industrial soft salt. Crystals of this type of salt have a lot of luster and transparency; Hence it is called shell salt. Oyster salt is very similar to refined salt in size and grain size.

2 – Sugar Salt 110 or Salt Drilling Salt: This type of salt, which is known as Sugar Salt due to the similarity of the size of its grains to sugar grains, is one of the most widely used industrial salt grains. Due to the grain size of this type, it is also called mesh 110. Among the important uses of this salt is its use in drilling mud, the process of salting meat, especially pork in Georgia, and its use in Liquvan cheese, etc.

Industrial Salt

Mesh 100: The grains and crystals of this type of salt are slightly larger than the sugar grains (almost double).

Mesh 90: The grain size of this type includes slightly smaller grains than chickpeas. Due to its almost uniform and regular grain size, this type has been called mesh 90.

Fishery salt: After entering the crushing machine, large pieces of crushed rock salt and crushed salt are produced with a size of 5 to 10 mm. Fish salt grains are larger than a pea and smaller than a walnut, which is almost the largest grain size. The reason for naming fishery salt is the main use of this granulation in the fisheries industry as well as disinfection. Of course, this is just one of the uses of fishery salt. Other uses for this type of salt include water hardening, resuscitation of inactive resins, very fine smoothing of fine parts, leather and tanning industry, cheese making and many other industries.

Industrial Salt

Industrial Powder Salt (Soft Industrial Salt): Finally, the last category of unrefined industrial salts in terms of grain size is powdered industrial salt for water softener. Due to its high industrial use, this type is also called industrial soft salt. The main use of this type of salt is in the production of acid and grain and poultry and poultry inputs.


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