rock salt to Qatar

Specialized export of rock salt qatar, animal rock salt, edible rock salt, industrial salt, cut animal feed rock salt, 15 kg bag and carton packaging.

Garmsar rock salt mine

The city of Garmsar, also known as the dry port, carries an important part of Iran’s export economy by placing numerous mines of rock salt, chromite gypsum, barite and several widely used minerals.

Among the Garmsar rock ores, some types of salt ores are mined, which due to their unique quality and unique purity, have been able to establish their position in the domestic and export market, which is easy to achieve. It is not possible and is based on the trust and satisfaction of the buyer.

Halito salt rock collection has shown that by providing a standard product according to the buyer’s opinion, domestic and foreign customers can be satisfied for many years, which is evidenced by the continuation of the process of extraction and export of salt rock.

rock salt to Qatar

Industrial and edible rock salt

Salt stones are divided into two important and basic categories, edible and industrial. Of course, this division is done by the market, and according to the Ministry of Health, salt rock of any kind is considered industrial and can not be eaten.

Different buyers in different countries, according to the theory of the Ministry of Health of each country, procure their own rock salt from Iran, which is the most important factor in this regard is the purity of salt rock.

Generally, rock salt with a purity of less than 96% is considered industrial and above 96% is called edible, and the closer this number is to 100, the higher the value of the product will be, and keep in mind that salt rock with a purity of 100 is never Percentage is also not found on Earth.

You can see some of the most important export salt stones of Halito collection by mentioning the purity percentage in the table below.

Type of rock salt Purity Use in the domestic market Used in the export market
High quality white rock salt 99.5 Oral-water purification-resin reduction and hardener Oral-water purification
Orange salt rock 97 Production of salt bricks and salt rock bedside lamps Food
Blue salt rock 99.6 Not known Food
Crystalline rock salt 99.9 Food Production of medicine and cosmetics
First class icy white rock salt 98.5 Production of salt bricks and salt rock bedside lamps Production of decorative rock salt
Second grade white rock salt 97 Livestock – water purification and resin reduction Livestock
Veined white rock salt 95.5 Livestock Industrial
Red salt rock 98.3 Production of salt bricks and salt rock bedside lamps Food

rock salt to Qatar

Export of rock salt to Qatar

Qatar, due to its large number of camel herds and for the preparation and supply of animal feed, usually uses salt rock feed in abundance.

Halito salt stone collection prepares and sends animal salt stone for Qatar with a package of 15 kg.

Also, other types of cut animal rock salt with carton packaging in orange and red colors are other products of Halito collection and can be delivered in Qatar in the fastest time.


Halito rock salt company exports zero to one hundred salt stones to you in diameter

rock salt to Qatar

Industrial salt prices

Industrial salts never have a fixed price and vary depending on the degree of involvement of the powder with the granulation, bag material, and degree of purity of the product, but the prices offered are for the highest quality product.

Export of salt to Europe

Exporting salt from Iran to Europe is not an easy task and the main reason is the direct impact of shipping costs on the price of rock salt and salt because salt is one of the products that due to low prices, freight always has a direct effect on the final pricing. And it is punishable.

On the other hand, in Europe, countries such as the Netherlands, Germany and Ukraine have salt resources and supply the European area. Although the quality of salt offered by these countries is not very good, but due to proximity and ease of access is usually a better option for Europeans.

But some types of salt, such as blue salt rock, which belongs only to Iran, can only be supplied from our country, Iran, and it is interesting to know that the main customers of Iranian blue salt rock are Western European countries.

rock salt to Qatar

Export of salt to Russia

Exporting rock salt and salt to Russia has two different approaches, because Russia always demands the highest percentage of purity in the field of salt purchase, but this is not the case with salt rock, and usually second-grade white rock salt is produced for industrial use. has it.

It is possible to deliver salt rock in Russia, Astara Khan port, in any tonnage in the shortest time. Also, recrystallization salt with a purity of more than 99.2% is possible in 25 kg bags per month up to 350 tons.

rock salt to Qatar

Industrial salt export market

Industrial salt has a wider market and purpose than table salt, and since it is not refined and sprayed with iodine, it naturally has a much lower price, so you buy it in very large volumes.

Major countries buying industrial salt from Iran are

  • Iraq
  • Afghanistan
  • Oman

Due to the proximity and in relation to the first two neighboring countries with Iran, the demand for salt from these countries is at the top of the industrial salt demand step.

rock salt to Qatar

Familiarity with different types of granulated salt

One of the questions many buyers always ask about grain salts and their size is how they differ from each other. In this regard, we must say that the size of industrial salt determines the area in which it is to be used and consumed.


See more about Industrial Rock salt

rock salt to Qatar

If you want to see different sizes of industrial salts, it is recommended to watch the video below.

It is possible to deliver industrial salt in jumbo bag bags of 30 kg per tonnage.

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