Export Orange rock salt

Export Orange rock salt to India, Completely one hand without any black streaks, delivery in Mundra port, a much lower price than Pakistan’s Orange Rock salt.

Introducing variety of colored rock salt

In the mines of our country Iran and especially the city of Garmsar there are various salt stones, most of which are white salt.

In general, more than 90 percent of Iran’s rock salt mines can be said the rock is made up of white salt, streaky white and dark white.

Something about 10% can be given to colored rock salt there are 3 more colors than the rest and extracted.

Export Orange rock salt

  • Orange rock salt
  • Red rock salt
  • Blue rock salt

Of course, in the case of rock salt, it is necessary to mention a point, and that, based on the color priority, the name of this salt rock is mentioned among the colored salt rock, otherwise the amount of extraction of salt of salt is so low that it does not appear at all and in terms of statistics Will not be

Introduction orange rock salt

Orange Rock salt is one of the colored salt rock that is extracted from some mines in Garmsar.

This salt rock is due to its high iron content its color is milled to orange and from the rock is a very colorful salt which uses it differently.

Export Orange rock salt

Orange rock salt 4 is very important to use, as indicated:

  • Rock salt decor
  • Salt bricks
  • livestock for cow
  • Grill

Orange rock Salt Mine

The largest amount of Orange Salt Salt in the world belongs to Pakistan and basically all the salt rock from the mines of this country they all are red or orange.

Export Orange rock salt

Export Orange rock salt

After pakistan, Iran has rock salt mines, one of which is orange rock but as stated, its value is not as much as Pakistan’s extraction.

Market of Export Orange Rock Salt

Export Orange Rock Salt from Iran to India in the past year due to the huge demand from India, it has been much higher than before.

Two reasons can be considered as one of the major reasons for the high demand for Iranian orange rock salt:

  • Impossible to buy India directly from Pakistan
  • The very high price of Orange Rock Salt Pakistan

Export Orange rock salt

Well if you are also an Orange rock Salt importer and buyer in India, Halito Group is the largest Orange Rock Salt Exporter to India from Iran.

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